This week's series has been about shaping your marketing to fit the holiday season. We've talked about updating your website, involving your employees, discovering Pinterest and keeping true to the spirit of the season. Today we've got our last tip plus a bonus!
Tip #5:
Keep people informed.
This is more of a service than a gift, but it's just as important. Keep the public informed about special holiday hours, last dates to order, and your return policies on gifts that are purchased.
You’ll want to make sure people know, for example, that you’re closed on December 22, or that your delivery times are delayed. Make sure this information is readily available: on your website, on your social media accounts, and in any advertisements you place this time of year.
Bonus tip:
A great tool that can be incorporated in many ways including all thetips we’ve provided this week is to offer discounts or coupons on current or future products and services to draw customers in. They can be offered digitally or hard copy. Coupons also provide an excellent way of tracking your traffic. For example, you run a coupon in the Sunday newspaper and have your employees keep the coupons in the register as people bring them in to use them. This gives you an easy way to measure the effectiveness and reach of your ad. Tracking is important in evaluating your overall marketing plan.
Good luck on your holiday marketing ventures and if you have questions feel free to contact us or comment below!