1. Know Your Audience

- What time they check Facebook, what content they’re interested in.
- Target those specific people who ‘liked’ your page.

Knowing your audience will help your business tremendously down the road. It’s not enough to have a great product these days. You need to find those people who are your target audience and know what they want to see, their interests, likes and dislikes.

2. Engage with Your Audience
- Make posts specifically to your target group.

Once you’ve figured out their likes and dislikes, it’s time to put your knowledge to work.
Think about it - a follower is more likely to like or share a post if it is relevant to them or if they find it to be something they can stand behind.

3. Provide Great Customer Service

Once you have figured out your target market and how to get their attention, you need to keep it! Keep up on your social media; it shouldn’t be on autopilot for too long. Notice when someone comments on a post of yours or better yet, shares your post. Respond to your audience; people like to know that who they’re following is responsive and actually cares about them.

In short, nobody likes to be ignored. If people comment on your post or have questions, acknowledge them! It’s easy to become automated with managing your Facebook, but don’t forget that Customer Satisfaction still rules and will go further than any boosted post ever will.

4. Customization
You can schedule when your FB status is posted weeks and months in advance, specifically to better fit your customers' schedules. When you go to make a status update there is a drop down box next to the "Post" button that gives you an option to schedule your posting. Use this free trick to optimize your social media!

5. Boost
You can also use the “Boost” button, which places your posts higher in the News Feed, so there’s a better chance your audience will see them. Although there is a charge to boost, but you can choose your own budget. The more you put towards your budget, the higher your boost.

Stay focused and use Facebook's free platform to your advantage!

One marketing method that doesn't get a lot of attention is billboards. Often considered old fashioned, billboards are working while other media is experiencing downturns. The reason is Reach. They reach people when other media can be turned off or tuned out. Billboards are purchased for four week rental periods - not months. There is an added expense of printing vinyl - paper isn't used any longer. You'll also need a strong design - a good rule is to use eight words or less for the most visible message. You also need to plan ahead for billboards to get the very best placement. Don't forget about billboards when you need to get your message out to the region.

Sending out a news or press release to the media can highlight your business accomplishments. It's very important to make sure your release truly is newsworthy. The best way to send a release is through email. It saves overworked media employees data entry time and helps with accuracy. Start with an attention getting headline. That's what everyone reads first. Then write about the most important things first and the least important subjects last. Include all your contact information in case the media wants to do a more in depth story. Attach a high quality photo if appropriate because it will get more attention from the press and viewers. Identify people in the photo. Make it easy for the media to use your next news release.

 ©2023 Poole Advertising, LLC DBA Poole Communications
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