The 3 Levels of GOOD Employees:
You do what you are asked to do. You take orders and do what you are told with a good attitude.
Level 1 + You think ahead and solve problems before they happen. You are always future oriented and thinking about how things could go wrong to plan for potential issues and problems. Then you are not at all rattled when things do occasionally go wrong because you have a plan and are ready to implement it.
Level 2 + You proactively look for areas of opportunity and growth in the business, and figure out how to tap into them. Not only do you plan for potential problems, you are always aware of opportunities to grow the company and do better work for the clients you work with. You find pain points and solve them. Then you leverage what you've learned with other clients.
Here are the the 3 Levels of GOOD Employees. Get thinking and purposely working at Level 3 all the time.
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Source: James Clear and his book Atomic Habits.