When your new company is created, there should be a strong emphasis on business cards. Make business cards work for you. Business cards are a tool to let others know what your company is about and what services it provides. A plain white business card does not portray the mission or creativity of a person or a business. Your cards should help make you stand out and be easily recognizable. Bright colors, a distinctive logo, and an easy to read font will make your card stand out from the rest.
Business cards do not have to be boring. They should not look like everyone else’s. Think about ordering square or round cards instead of rectangular cards.
Use the front and back of your card to share your mission. If you are an eco-friendly business, buy business cards made from recycled paper. There are so many ways to make that card work for you! Some people purposely leave a space on the back to write notes or provide other contact information.
Business card marketing is a real thing. It’s effective, and it does lead to new customers and new leads. Here are some suggestions for using your business cards to maximize your customer base:
Finally, make sure your business card is professionally printed on high quality heavy weight paper. You don't want to skimp here. Having trouble coming up with a design or getting your design ready to print? Need help with marketing? We can help. Make business cards work for you. Come by or call 573-221-3635 and we can help you with your business card and any other promotional material you need for your business.
© 2018 Poole Communications
I've been told recently that business cards are dead. I disagree. Sure, people are beaming and bumping their contact information to each other on their smart phone. However, you can give your potential customer all the information they need to start doing business with you by having a well designed business card. Take a look at yours. Is it time for an update? Include your logo, services, phone, web site, email and more. Think of it like a mini brochure. Make your business card stand out by using affordable full color printing on quality paper - and use the back of the card. Look at your business card today. Help potential customers remember you. Hand them a business card worth keeping.