In case you haven’t noticed, advertising doesn’t work like it used to. Large national companies are turning to targeted relationships. They’ve found this works much better than interruption-based advertising. National clients are leaving airways in droves and television networks are scrambling to make up lost dollars. That’s why you’re seeing your local plumber on television.
Why not take advantage of the research done by these national companies? Target your message to reach your precise market. It takes time and finesse - not a lot of dollars.
Delve into some of the social networking sites this week. Some of the best for business are: LinkedIn (the largest network of business professionals in the world), Twitter (track trends, or make a few of your own), YouTube (one of the top search engines now – surpassing Google) and Facebook (a Harvard project started in 2004). Next, read a blog, subscribe to a RSS, or do a “social search” on yourself and your business.
Just remember what gets put out there, stays out there – and can be read by the world. Social networking is one very powerful double-edged sword. Start sharpening your networking skills today.