Marketing can greatly enhance your business and help improve your company’s profitability – as long as you plan carefully.
Today we're sharing with you part one of a list of guidelines you can follow to make your marketing dollars work harder for you. Check in tomorrow for part 2!
Establish Broad Objectives
Clearly state what you want to happen as a result of your marketing efforts. Looking for more customers? How many more? When should this increase occur by? Want more of a particular kind of order or sales? Set specific, measurable, and achievable goals for how much you want to improve and you will have better results in achieving those goals. Vague goals, like “improve sales” are not effective in improving business.
Determine Your Audience
The more specific the audience, the more tailored and targeted your marketing can be. The more targeted you are, the more successful you will be in sharing information with your potential customers. Who is it you need to reach and what do you want them to do? Do you want them to call, visit your website, come by, or place an order? Be specific and call for action. Above all make each step as easy as possible. Most people won’t bother overcoming obstacles to doing business with you, especially if someone else offers your product or service and makes it easy.
Develop Channels of Communication
Determine the best way(s) to reach your target audience. What do they read, listen to on the radio, watch on TV, or search on the Internet. Where do they drive—could you use a billboard campaign effectively? How can you word your message so that they will respond positively? A good rule of thumb is to show people doing what you want them to do.
Set a Budget
Consider all costs including copywriting, design, printing, ad space, and air time costs. Always buy the best promotional quality you can afford. You may have a great ad, but if it misses your target market, it is worthless and a waste of money. Likewise, if you have a poor ad and it reaches your market, it may cost you customers who lose confidence in your product or service; or worse yet, can’t find you at all!
Establish a Schedule
Allow ample planning time. Set up your ad schedule on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis as appropriate to your business. Adjustments can be made as necessary. If applicable, check community calendars to prevent conflicts or to piggyback on already established holidays or events.
These guidelines are just the beginning of a successful marketing effort, check back tomorrow for the rest of our list!