You’re doing digital advertising. You have a website, use some cool graphics, email customer lists, post regularly to social channels, and run some paid online ad campaigns.
Great, can you confidently answer the next four questions?
If your answers are like the ones provided, then what the digital are you doing with your valuable time and hard-earned ad budget?
Deep down, many small business owners feel the same way. They are all “doing the digital things,” but do not have the time to plan and connect the dots to see what is going well and what could improve.
The good news? You can remove some digital doubts with a little more time and organization.
Here are three tips to clear some doubts and maximize digital dollars:
2. Set up and check Google Analytics. If you are not sure how to start, Google can help.
3. Combine your Google Analytics and Google Ad Words. Not doing Ad Words or want to check your skills? Yep, Google can help with that too.
Love the tips, but still spinning from all the data, analysis, and acronyms? Here’s some more good news – you can call your digital expert friends at Poole Communications to help. Ask them to look at your website and Google game. They can access or create the necessary Google and web accounts to streamline your strategy: 800-900-3635.
Source/Reference links:
Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List (2021)
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