Heart Balloons

Networking is an useful tool for promoting your company. Hannibal has two great networking events coming up: the Chamber's Annual Meeting on Friday, February 7th and the Hannibal Chamber Women's Network on Thursday, February 27th. Using networking, you can seek out those who need what your business has to offer. Networking and relationship-building allows for clients to get to know you better and trust your business more.

When networking, it is important to go out of your way to meet new people! While stepping out of your comfort zone to connect to people can be tough, using icebreakers and being friendly can help get conversations started. Try not to be pushy in these conversations, but instead be an active listener and a service to the people you meet.

Some ideas for icebreakers might include:

Networking Event

Use and give referrals to expand your networkWhen building relationships with customers and clients, giving and receiving referrals can help strength your relationships. Customers with positive reviews and testimonials about your business or services can be essential to growing clientele. Referrals are a networking heavy approach to advertising, where your existing clients and customers positively recommend your company. You want your clients to refer you based on the experiences they have with your business, the reputation your business upholds, and the area your business specializes in.

A good place to network as well as give and get referrals are the Show Me Business Builders meetings. These meeting occur every Wednesday at 7am at Logues Restaurant in Hannibal, Missouri. We would be happy to see your business join!

Need a little help to get started or would you like use to train your people? Contact Poole Communications at 573-221-3635... or email us at info@poolecommunications.com.

©2025 Poole Communications

2025 Origami

Planning for What's Next

Is an essential part of starting a new year. Figuring out your 2025 marketing plan and budget can make marketing go a lot more smoothly as the year progresses. Creating a plan that realistically outlines your company's marketing goals using information from this past year can go a long way. Marketing is ever evolving, and with each year comes new trends, new ideas, and new approaches to marketing. Your businesses's marketing plan must reflect this. After all, a good marketing plan can allow for a lot of growth.

Making a Plan Can:
Help you build your brand
Allow for you to target specific audiences
Allow for marketing consistency
Grow your customer baseDefine your company
Outline a proper marketing budget

Happy New Year Balloon

Reflecting on the past year can help you identify trends, demographics, and potential markets you may want to work with. Furthermore, it is recommended that you look over marketing successes and failures over the past year to three years in order to improve during the oncoming year. There are many key ideas that go into developing a good marketing plan as 2025 has begun.

Here are some insights on planning:
Start by creating marketing goals
Look at what did and didn't work in the past year to three years
Do research on trends and on your market
Figure out who it is you're trying to reach
Know what sort of budget you want to work within
Come up with a strategy for executing your marketing plan
Reflect on the successes and failures after every year

Don't forget to also celebrate the successes from the past year! If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. We're in business to make you look good.

©2024 Poole Communications

Happy Thanksgiving

Celebrating Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving season we at Poole Communications wanted to let you know how thankful we are for your business and friendship with us. As people all over are showing gratitude to the things they have, we also wanted to put emphasis on the importance of giving your all to your customers and community.

At the end of the day, good advertising can allow you to gain new customers, and also build relationships and business with customers you already have. Whether you are a large or small business, there is a benefit to providing your customers with support, service, and product. Not only that, but having good, honest communication between you, your customers, and your employees can create long-lasting partnerships and clients.

Good advertising is not just about bringing the customer in, but making an impact on the customer you are trying to reach. When your customers have a need for a product or service that you can provide, you want them to think of you first. Building relationships and partnerships involves a lot of thankfulness and generosity from both customers and businesses. Use good communication, honest marketing, and quality generous service.

When working for your customers, try and consider:
What are you able to provide, and what can you deliver?What are the benefits to being honest as a company?How are you taking interest in what your customers are wanting?How can you offer to help people who need it?How can you not only help your customers, but go above and beyond to exceed the norm?How can you make your business more friendly for people to use and interact with?
We hope this Thanksgiving, you will not only give thanks, but give more towards building partnerships and relationships as you consider these questions.

Interested in learning more about how giving can help your business? This small book, The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann gives you great ideas and the logic behind giving.

The Go-Giver

“Most people just laugh when they hear that the secret to success is giving...Then again, most people are nowhere near as successful as they wish they were.”

Want help with marketing ideas like this one or would you like us to train your people? Contact Poole Communications at 573-221-3635

©2024 Poole Communications

Planning Marketing

Is Good Marketing Worth It?

Absolutely! Every business can benefit from having a good strategy for marketing in place. However, not everyone knows where to start. We know that creating an maintaining a brand identity is difficult. One of the first things we recommend is to understand who your target market is and who you are trying to reach when you advertise your company.

Here are a few tips for how to best get started:

Knowing your audience and your community can better help you engage with and grow as a business or company. Solidify your brand by keeping things consistent and networking as a representative of your company. Of course, we insist you not forget about the importance of advertising yourselves! Using methods like social media, email, and traditional marketing techniques like billboards and paper ads can help your community and strengthen your company.

Need a little help to get started or would you like us to train your people? Contact Poole Communications at 573-221-3635

©2024 Poole Communications


Can Time Management Be Beneficial?

Time management is not only useful, it's life-changing! To quote author Julie Morgenstern, "When life becomes about the million and one things on your to-do list instead of getting to what is most important, and actually enjoying yourself, something is wrong." (Time Management from the Inside Out).

Put simply, it can be easy to get caught up in the many little and big things on your to-do list, which can be overwhelming and lead to things not getting done. This can arise from many factors from work-life conflicts, work-life imbalance, and work-family conflicts. Furthermore, things like gender, age, and personality can likely affect one's approach to managing time. However, sometimes it is best to simply step back and ask oneself, "What is really important?"

Picking out what motivates you and drives you, as well as what is most important, helps outline a bigger picture of what your goals are. Knowing your goals is a huge part of the battle in time management.

Furthermore, when practicing time management, ask yourself:

Clock, shopping cart, keys on clipbaord

Learning to manage time can be good for your health, reduce stress, and help your business run better. Overall, it can help improve your life and make getting things done a lot more rewarding and worthwhile!

Here are some tips for time management:

Through these tips we hope that you can narrow down what your goals are and understand how long tasks should realistically take. Keeping a space organized as you begin to manage your time can go a long why in helping the process run more smoothly and with less stress.

Understanding that not every task will be a hundred percent perfect, and that you can always seek out feedback for improvement can help with finishing tasks. Planning ahead by accepting and allotting for the chance that things may change can help reduce stress when unexpected things cause shifts to your schedule.

Simply out of time? Can we help manage your marketing, digital ads, newsletters, or social media? Give us a call: 573-221-3635.

©2024 Poole Communications

What are Google Ads? I don’t know, Google it! The majority of consumers find themselves doing research online before purchasing a specific product. The benefits of an optimized Google Ad campaign compared to a newspaper or Radio ad is that it can target a wider demographic and the specific target audience for your business. According to Google, “Google Ads makes it easy to show the world what’s unique about your business, so you can reach customers searching for what you offer.” 

One of the advantages to Google Ads, compared to other advertising options, is Google’s flexible marketing platform. This means that it is suitable for all sizes of businesses. You can set your budget based on business type and zip code. The budget is based on how many estimated client clicks your ad will receive based on the budget you have for the ad. 

One of the key factors of a Google Ad is keyword themes. When someone searches for a keyword or phrase related to your business, your ad will show up in their search. When you create your ad, you will select a few relevant keyword themes that will help increase your advertisement reach. 

In order for your ad to reach the correct audience, Google lets you choose the location where your ad will appear in relation to your business. You can target potential customers from within walking distance to even the whole country. The possibilities for your Google Ad are endless.

Google Ads specifically targets and selects the potential client for you. It has something for any size of business with different budgets, goals and target audiences. This is why if you are wanting an Ad that will reach your target audience, Google Ads are the way to go. If you need help with your Google Ad, give us a call and we will get you set up for success! 

 ©2023 Poole Advertising, LLC DBA Poole Communications
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